Blogged Thoughts

Guncle Tarot Academy


I have been asked if I offer classes in reading Tarot. Or if I plan on doing so. Will I be expanding into other aspects of running a ‘Mystical Business‘? As for ‘teaching a Tarot class’ – No. There are many ways in which the [read more]

Blogged Thoughts

Your Year Card


A Year Card (sometimes called your Birthday Tarot Card) is one from the Major Arcana, calculated through basic numerology, that is said to represent your year. As with all Card Readings, whether the message is seen as destiny, something to aim for, or do work [read more]

Blogged Thoughts

How Far Is Too Far?


Tarot Cards are one sub-set of ‘Oracle Decks‘- which encompasses the Tarot, the Le Normand and Kipper systems. Modern Bridge or Poker decks are Oracle decks if used for divination- it’s the intention rather than the product name. And then there are thousands of totally [read more]